Welcome to the Pseudo-Chinese Generator

Discover a novel way to bridge the gap between Japanese and Chinese languages. Our Pseudo-Chinese Generator is a unique tool that allows you to convert everyday Japanese text into a captivating script, offering the appearance of Chinese while retaining the essence of Japanese structure.

Generate your word in seconds

Case Study

椎衣多 把図二人手取唱呪文 “破滅光出城崩壊” 無州華 目覆叫 “我眼疲労!” 城崩壊也...シータとパズーは二人手を取り合い呪文を唱えた。“バルス” ムスカ、目を覆い叫んだ“めがぁーめがぁー!...席塔和帕祖两人手牵手念咒语。“破坏之光,城崩坏”。无州华,眼睛覆盖着大喊“我眼睛疲劳!”城市崩溃了。...
達郎突然走行 道路飛出 両手両足広伸 大型貨物車両猛速度走行 迫達郎目前 達郎画面直前車両停止 達郎...達郎は突然走り出し、道路に飛び出て両手両足を大きく広げる。猛スピードで走る大型トラックが、達郎の目の...达郎突然奔跑,跳出道路,双手双脚张开。一辆大型货车以高速行驶逼近达郎。达郎直视前方,货车停下,达郎回...
辛苦了 我頼例件其後進捗報告有也? 今月売上目標達成難、我欲動可能限早段階。 我知君忙唯我忙同等、何...おつかれさまです。お願いしていた例の件、進捗いかがでしょうか? 今月は売り上げ目標も高く、可能な限り...辛苦了。我依赖的案件后续进展如何?本月销售额目标难以达成,我希望尽可能早地采取行动。我知道你很忙,但...
A:昨日C晒洒落角写真 恋人同行鼠夢王国 自慢顔 B:嘘無? A:超現実充実。 B:有無ー。 A:我...A:昨日インスタでCがディズニーランドデートドヤってたわ。 B:まじで。 A:ちょうリア充。 B:あ...A:昨天在Instagram上C晒了落角的照片,和恋人一起去迪士尼乐园,自恋。B:不是真的吧?A:超...
A:辛苦了~。 B:辛苦了。 A:飲酒大騒 同行可能? B:我労働未完了…。 A:嘘無? B:然我嫌...A:おつかれさま~。 B:おつかれさま。 A:これから飲みに行くけど、一緒に行ける? B:オレ、まだ...A:辛苦了~。B:辛苦了。A:去喝酒大闹,你能一起来吗?B:我的工作还没完成……。A:真的吗?B:我...
我投稿昨晩青鳥囀、大量拡散! B:嘘無!? A:自慢顔~ B:但就是炎上囀。 A:…嘘無? B:拡散...A:昨日の夜にオレがTwitterに投稿したツイート、めちゃくちゃリツイートされてる! B:マジで!...我昨晚在推特上发的帖子,被大量转发了!B:不是真的吧!?A:得意洋洋~B:但是这是在引发争议。A:…...
団栗転転 池落擬音 落下池嵌大変 泥鰌出現 言你好 童子坊一緒遊戯...どんぐりころころ どんぶりこ お池にはまってさあ大変 どじょうが出てきて こんにちは 坊っちゃん一緒...团栗滚滚,池塘落水拟声,掉入池塘真是糟糕,泥鳅出现,说你好,童子一起玩耍。...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Pseudo-Chinese?

Pseudo-Chinese is a language game that originated in 2009 and became popular on the Japanese internet in 2016. It involves removing the hiragana and katakana from Japanese sentences, leaving only the kanji parts, sometimes with minor adjustments to form complete sentences. This language game makes sentences appear Chinese, but since it retains the grammatical structure of Japanese, Chinese readers can roughly understand the meaning, albeit with a peculiar 'dissonance'. The emergence of Pseudo-Chinese has provided a novel way of communication for young people in China and Japan, and while it remains at the level of simple communication, it has attracted widespread attention and discussion online.

How can I generate Pseudo-Chinese?

You can use the Pseudo-Chinese generator provided by pseudo-Chinese.com. You need to input Japanese text, and the tool will automatically transform it into the Pseudo-Chinese you need.

What can I do with Pseudo-Chinese?

As a language form that combines elements of both Japanese and Chinese, Pseudo-Chinese can serve multiple functions across various domains. It not only facilitates cross-cultural communication between individuals from China and Japan but also serves as an engaging exercise for language learners to deepen their understanding of both languages. Additionally, the use of Pseudo-Chinese on social media can increase interactivity and entertainment, inspiring new ideas in creative writing and literary composition. It can also function as an intellectual game to enhance interactions among friends and serve as material for linguistic research, exploring the diversity and mutual influence of languages. In summary, Pseudo-Chinese offers a novel way of communication and expression applicable to education, entertainment, social media, and academic research, among other areas.